Hi 👋 , I'm
Born and raised in India 🇮🇳 , built for the world 🌎!
Born and raised in India 🇮🇳 , built for the world 🌎!
I have been a product designer for about 6 years and have worked extensively with complex zero → one problem statements, especially in B2B SaaS.
Working with startups helped me get comfortable to thrive in ambiguity and wear multiple hats. I learnt to take charge and grow an early stage design team to a design mature org by helping establish internal processes and employee brand identity.
I love being in Design because it allows me to add value to people’s lives. I like to keep storytelling and psychology at the heart of my solutions.
When I'm not working or socialising, I enjoy reading about tech and culture, creating memes, seeking novel experiences, & writing. You can read my design blog here and my personal blog here.
I have been a product designer for about 6 years and have worked extensively with complex zero → one problem statements, especially in B2B SaaS.
Working with startups helped me get comfortable to thrive in ambiguity and wear multiple hats. I learnt to take charge and grow an early stage design team to a design mature org by helping establish internal processes and employee brand identity.
I love being in Design because it allows me to add value to people’s lives. I like to keep storytelling and psychology at the heart of my solutions.
When I'm not working or socialising, I enjoy reading about tech and culture, creating memes, seeking novel experiences, & writing. You can read my design blog here and my personal blog here.
I have been a product designer for about 6 years and have worked extensively with complex zero → one problem statements, especially in B2B SaaS.
Working with startups helped me get comfortable to thrive in ambiguity and wear multiple hats. I learnt to take charge and grow an early stage design team to a design mature org by helping establishing internal processes & employee brand identity.
When I'm not working or socialising, I enjoy reading about tech and culture, creating memes, seeking novel experiences, & writing. You can read my design blog here and my personal blog here.

Past work:

As seen on
As seen on

Product Stories
I talk about B2B design, zero to one products and diversity and inclusiveness.
March 2022

Product Stories

Product Stories

Global Fintech Summit
I was a speaker at a global conference where I talk about 3 tenets of fintech B2B design.
May 2021

Global Fintech Summit

Global Fintech Summit

Birds of a Feather
Vikalp Gupta and I discuss designing for fintech and privacy in the Indian Context
April 2021

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather
Recent Work
Beautiful Products are built with
Beautiful Products are built with
Beautiful Products are built with
& fearlessness.
& fearlessness.
& fearlessness.
🎧 Scrolled to the bottom, now we here!
🎧 Scrolled to the bottom, now we here!
Feathers 🪶
Feathers 🪶
in my Cap
in my Cap

X - Innovation Days
X - Innovation Days
X - Innovation Days
Winners for RazorpayX Innovation Days Hackathon - 3rd Place
Oct 2021
Winners for RazorpayX Innovation Days Hackathon - 3rd Place
Oct 2021
Winners for RazorpayX Innovation Days Hackathon - 3rd Place
Oct 2021
Research Papers
Research Papers
Research Papers
Published a short paper at IndiaHCI and posters at Interact 2017, GraceHooper 2017.
Published a short paper at IndiaHCI and posters at Interact 2017, GraceHooper 2017.
Published a short paper at IndiaHCI and posters at Interact 2017, GraceHooper 2017.